Friday, March 27, 2009
A daily blog this is not. Sometimes life and apathy (to a degree, of course) take over. I'll be back. I've actually migrated a touch from pursies (although i do still love making them; there's nothing like the finale FLIP from inside to out that's exhilerating!) to drawing a little. Some French Fruit. Tune in soon for more details.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I Made It!!!
TO THE FRONT PAGE OF ETSY! This is a big deal folks... of the THOUSANDS of sellers and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of items out there, mine was picked by a member "sedgeworks." I sent her a thank you note! ;-) (p.s. - this is indeed related to the entry below, describing my elation over making essentially two sales of the same cool bird pursie! The gal who designed the fabric saw it on the front page, thus her quickie clicky finger buy!)

I sold one of the two already! Here it is, a little 'birdie' theme in patchwork with coordinating colors in greens and tans. The fabric really caught my eye at JoAnn Fabrics. I almost didn't buy it at the time, due to its price (i'm cheap) but 'splurged' cause i loved it so much. Then i was timid in cutting it! I'm lame, i know. But the other day, i finally went at it with the scissors and came up with a fun little creation.
Well, the gal who bought my purse... Are you ready for this? Are you sitting down? SHE'S THE CREATOR OF THE FABRIC DESIGN!!! It's her little birdie drawing that made it onto the fabric! I'm blown away by this. Not so much that she drew a picture that made it onto fabric. I have, on a side note, been interested in this career (textile designer). But the fact that she found ME among THOUSANDS on etsy, and my little pursie!! This is amazing and totally cool! It has really made my day.
But if this weren't enough, there's MORE! Upon surfing on etsy, looking at my sales, this buyer's note, etc., i stumbled upon another "conversation" sent to me. It is from a first-time etsy surfer who came across my birdie purse as one of her first finds and was disappointed to discover it had been sold (within a matter of minutes or hours, perhaps). She was asking if i wouldn't mind making another one.
I'D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO! Not only do i really love that fabric and the colors, but it's exciting to me - - lil ol ME! - - that there's a mini "demand" for my work. My patience in mastering this purse-making has paid off! With each sale is the art of Word of Mouth, and i'm mostly excited about THAT. Everytime my little pursie is whipped out to pay for something is potential for a conversation that might go something like this:
"Hey... if you don't mind me saying... that is a SUPER CUTE little pursie your are pulling your money out of. Where did you buy that?"
"Actually, i bought it on the website etsy, your place to buy and sell all things handmade. Have you heard of it?"
"Why no, i haven't, but now i'm really excited to check it out. You mean... *I* could maybe find a little purse like yours to use as well?"
"Well SURE.. in fact, the seller's name is artrighty, and i bet by now she's got even more of them posted to choose from. In fact, if you send her a message, she'll probably even custom make one for you!"
"That sounds AWESOME! I can't wait to get off work to go visit"
... or something like that. ;-)
Saturday, March 7, 2009

(I cannot promise this, but i HOPE to write about another right-brained endeavor soon. Don't worry... it's completely unlike me to be fixated for an extended time on any one focus. Quite frankly, i'm a little surprised that i've been on the pursie kick for so long! But i'm happy!)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Put it to Bed, Mama!
(To my endearing fan, who's been waiting patiently for the final product, i gently warn you now: i'm on a roll! The two listed are not the only two... many will be forthcoming. If you have something (a color theme, perhaps) in mind, send me a note and i'll work on it and reserve it for you!)
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