Maybe you've logged on here a few times since my last post and thought, "Man, Telford is SLACKING! Where's the GOODS!?"
Well, i've been far from slacking. I'm still catching up on Nip/Tuck, but while waiting for those to come, and between laundry, boogar faces and various other THINGS to do, i've been BUSY!
First, i found a
coin purse pattern online that i printed out and was really dying to try (this time, using a sewing machine zipper foot - funny story about that in a second) and could never seem to find the time to try it out! If i wasn't at work or busy with the boys, then i just wanted to VEG, and not drag everything out. Blah blah blah, and so it goes.

Well, i found an HOUR one evening, before going to Chinese Buffet to celebrate my dad's birthday, to try it out. I didn't use rulers, a pattern or even many pins. I eyeballed the whole thing. AND THE END RESULT (a 'space-themed' coin purse) ROCKED! I should go back on that sewing forum to give the gal props who wrote up the pattern. It was easy and fast. And i pleasantly surprised myself by figuring out how to not only install my zipper foot (God - WAY TOO easy - i can't believe i've been avoiding them all these years!) but create clean and professional results. I was literally RELIEVED to have gotten the HANKERING to try the pattern out of my system.

But quickly I wanted to take it a step further. I have a little shoulder-strap purse (left pic) that i've had for years. I wanted to see if i could copy it. After a trial-n-error first sewing (Sorry i snapped at you Ron, i was frustrated!) and some minor seam ripping... **I DID IT!** I was beyond excited that i was able to recreate my favorite purse pattern all on my own. Now i have TWO zippery pouchy pursy patterns to delve into. The next focus is to embellish the outside of these creations, as i might have mentioned from the git-go. We're talking ribbon highlights, some beadwork, some embroidery. All when warranted. Sometimes, i realize, a nice patchwork can hold its own nicely.

So - - the zipper foot story. I'm going to attempt to keep this brief. I went to a specialized sewing shop and asked if they sold them. They did. Lady wanted to know the make/model of my machine. All i could tell her was that it was a Singer. About 10 years old. I convinced her to sell me the two she had, i'd try them, and return the one that didn't work/fit. I got home, and this is when i did the FIRST coin purse (see entry below). I decided it would be way too tedious/tricky to sew with a zipper foot on the machine, so i packaged the feet up to return them. And i did.
Then i found this NEW pattern and thought, "no... a zipper foot WOULD work.... i HAVE to try it." But i didn't want to go back to that lady and RE-buy the feet only to have to return one of them anyhow! Back to square one. My friends at work thought this was all very comical. One friend volunteered to buy the feet for me! Until another friend said, "you know... your machine COMES with a zipper foot." I said, "No it doesn't............... WAIT! - - you mean in that little compartment box attached to the machine!?!?" I knew about this box, but had completely forgotten about it. When i got home, i checked the box and WOW! - there was a BUNCHA stuff in there. Zipper foot, three other feet i have no idea about, spare needles, some thread holder thingie - - GOLD MINE BABY! i was siked. Sewing-Shop-Embarassment-Debacle AVERTED! Take that (... um, whoever). :-)
UPDATE (2/20/09) - - I like THIS pattern even better. Even EASIER. Now i'm siked to try THIS one out soon! ;-)
I'll be back. If you check here and you see electronic tumbleweeds, check etsy. I've been a posting maniac on there. Last night i whipped out ELEVEN (count 'em!) super cute and fun dangly earrings while sitting in front of a french movie, sans subtitles. I really like how they turned out.