Over the next few days, I'm going to be raking through, with a fine tooth comb, my friends and their profiles on "FaceBook." I've got quite a variety of friends on there. Some i talk to every day, some i'm related to, and many from my past, both from Alfred and even HIGH SCHOOL! Just when i thought i was done with h.s. folks (cuz they've been absent up until now, basically), i found a few that bring back fond memories.

Many of these folks have links to
The Rest of Their Lives on their profile pages, and I want to take the time to browse through, if not REALLY get into, what they've got to say. One friend, for instance, from high school, has an extensive up-to-date blog (like i keep) as well as a HUGE online photo gallery on Picasa. I'm interested in seeing and "catching up" with what's been happening in these peoples lives over the past 20+ years! It'll feel a little bit like going through a forgotten hope chest found in the attic of an old relative's home. I love stuff like that!
Happy Surfing to me! If i find anything noteworthy, i shall report back and share.
It is kind of fun to poke around in people's profiles. I had only stayed in touch with one person from high school, really, but it's been fun taking a stroll down memory lane and then skipping forward 20 years :)